Publications and Studies
“Evaluation for Cyto-preservability of Manual Liquid-Based Cytology Liqui-PREPTM and its Application to Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology: Comparative Study with Cytospin”, G. Park, M.D.; K. Lee, M.D.; C. Jung, M.D.; D. Lee, M.D.; B. Cho, M.D.; Y. Lee, M.D.; S. Shim, M.D.; K-Y. Lee, M.D.; C. Kang, M.D. – Department of Hospital Pathology and Pediatrics, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
“Liquid Base Cytology in Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules”, E. Keyhani, M.D. – Genetic Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran; S. Sharghi, M.D. – Endocrinology and Metabolism Research center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.; R. Amini, M.D. – Sepid Pathobiology Laboratory, Karaj, Iran; S. Sharghi, M.D. – Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; M. Karimlou, M.D. – Social Department of Health Research Center, Department of Biostatistics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Services, Tehran, Iran; F. Moghaddam, M.D. – Genetic Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran; B. Larijani, M.D. – Endocrinology and Metabolism Research center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
“Evaluation of the Liqui-PREPTM Encapsulation System by Comparison with the SurePathTM PREP”, J. Geyer, PhD.; J. Marino, CMIAC – Seacoast Pathology, New Hampshire, USA, LGM International, Inc. Florida, USA.
“Clinical Evaluation of Liqui-PrepTM System”, Samreung Rangdaeng MD FCAP, 20th Annual Congress of pathology, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2, 2008
“Direct-to-Vial Comparison of a New Liquid-Based Cytology System, Liqui-PREPTM Versus the Conventional Pap Smear” Joonseok Park, M.D., 1* Eun-Ha Jung, M.D., 2* Changok Kim, M.D., 2* and Young Hee Choi, M.D. 1* – 1 Department of Clinical Pathology, EONE Reference Laboratory, Seoul, Korea. 2 Department of Cytopathology, EONE Reference Laboratory, Seoul, Korea.
“Clinical Utility of Liqui-PREPTM cytology system for primary cervical cancer screening in a large urban hospital setting in China”, H. Deshou, M.C.; W. Changhua, M.D.; L. Qinyan, M.D.; L. Wei, M.D.; F. Wen, M.D. – Department of CytoPathology, Jiangxi Province Women and Children Health Care Hospital, China.
“The Comparison of Cytology Findings of Liqui-PREPTM and Conventional Pap Smear”, Mayis Universitesi, Turkey
“High-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia and high-risk HPV infection among HIV-positive and HIV-negative Thai men who have sex with men” Nittaya Phanuphak1,2, Nipat Teeratakulpisarn1, Stephen Kerr3, Surang Triratanachat4, Somboon Keelawat4, Tippawan Pankam1, Amornrat Sukjitpaiboonphol1, Praphan Phanuphak1,2,3, Jintanat Ananworanich2,3, Joel Palefsky5 on behalf of the Thai Red Cross Men’s Sexual Health Clinic Team 1The Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre, Bangkok, Thailand; 2South East Asia Research Collaboration with Hawaii, Bangkok, Thailand; 3HIV Netherlands Australia Thailand Research Collaboration, Bangkok, Thailand; 4Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 5University of California at San Francisco, California, USA
“Cervical Cancer Screening in Female Sex Workers: Evaluation of Different Modalities”, S. Rangdaeng, M.D.; Kritvatcharanun, M.D.J.; Settakorn, M.D.; N. Preechapornkul, M.D.; S. Nateewatana, MSc; S. Siriaunkgul, M.D’’; S. Khunamornpong, M.D.; J. Srisomboon, M.D. – Department of Pathology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Facility of Medicine, Chiang Mai University and AIDS control center, Region 10, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
“Liquid Based Cytology – Training outcomes of an inexperienced screener”, Mark Southwood, Jo Horsley, Jenny Buckwell, Carl Atkinson – Department of Histopathology, Papworth NHS Foundation Trust Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom
“Immunophenotyping of malignancy and MCMII expression in pleural effusion”, MARK SOUTHWOOD, REBECCA PITMAN, ELLEN MOSELEY, CARL ATKINSON. Department of Pathology, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom
“Comparison of Liqui-PREPTM and the ThinPrep ® Pap Test for Liquid-Based Cervical Cytology Preparation time”, Jacob Ronen, M.D.; Care-Med Clinic, James Geyer, Ph.D.; LGM International Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
“Bethesda System Reporting Rates for Conventional Papanicolaou Tests and Liquid-Based Cytology in a Large Chinese, College of American Pathologists–Certified Independent Medical Laboratory”, R. Marshall Austin, MD, PhD; Chengquan Zhao, MD; Zaibo Li, MD, PhD; Department of Pathology, Magee-Womens Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Baowen Zheng, MD; Xiaoman Liang, MD; Congde Chen, MD; Shanshan Yan, MD; the Cytology Laboratory, Guangzhou Kingmed Center, Guangzhou, China
“Felipe E. Dominguez, M.D., F.A.C.P. recommendation letter”, Felipe E. Dominguez, M.D., F.A.C.P., SunCoast Labs, Melbourne, Florida, USA

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